Guide for Perfect Roller Banner Printing Designs

Roller banners are ideal for those requiring transport advertising displays quickly and easily.  The banners are self-supporting advertising displays that can be dismantled in a matter of seconds.  Plenty of characteristics make a roller banner one of the most practical and effective solutions for promoting your brand or product at trade fairs and conferences.  Printpal London is the industry leader offering a wide range of roller banners in different sizes and prices.  We know our printed products are ideal in representing your business and conveying your message to your audience.  Thus, a perfect roller banner printing design is highly recommended to engage your targeted audience. 

Here are 5 Tips to Follow When Designing a Roller Banner:

  • Follow the CMYK Color Profile 

Remember to choose the right color profile in your graphic design program before you start creating your banner.  Eliminate unwanted colors that might not look good after final printing.

  • Use Readable Fonts

Select fonts that are easy to read and large enough to be seen from a distance, especially the important messages and brand name. 

  • Include Contact Information 

Include contact information somewhere on your roller, usually in the bottom portion.  Put your telephone number, email address and social media icons on the banner so people can contact after they have left the event. 

  • Include Brand Colors

Use a color palette that reflects your brand identity.  This process engages your targeted audience, raises brand awareness and fits seamlessly with your marketing themes.

  • Proofreading is Important

It is imperative to proofread all the text carefully before sending the document to print. 

Printpal London offers the ultimate guide in finding a suitable roller banner for your event.  Get in Touch with us today! 

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